Book Review- You Are Worth It
I heard about Kyle Carpenter and his book "You Are Worth It; Building a Life Worth Fighting For" when he appeared on the Jocko Willink Podcast. He was discussing his life-altering wounds and the fight that got him to where he is today. Typically, a military centered book would not interest me but Kyle offers so many powerful insights. The book is a lesson on overcoming battles, not dwelling on what cannot be changed, and how having an immense amount of gratitude is paramount. Kyle's story is admirable not only because he put his life on the line for his country, but because he didn't surrender to the worst moment in his life, he made a choice to fight for a promising future.
“Too often, we fall into the trap of thinking we need to have everything figured out before we can act. You don’t have to have a road map before you set out; you don’t even know the direction you are traveling. You just have to be willing to move and leave the past behind.”