Book Review- Greenlights
I breezed through the almost 300-page book in 2 days- all the mindless TV shows and nonsense had no chance of tearing me away from the pages of this inspiring memoir. If I’m not even past the Introduction of a book and already in love with the words on the pages in front of me, I know I’ve found a winner. Greenlights is exactly that. Not only do I find Matthew McConaughey to be an incredible actor, but have always found him to be an individual with wisdom and thought-provoking statements. Someone with substance, grit, and charm. As McConaughey puts it in his book, “we all step in shit from time to time” but it’s how we view these situations and learn from them. Many times, when something doesn’t go as planned, that is actually part of the plan. Collectively we can say 2020 has not been a greenlight. Yet, one day we will look back and see how this moment allowed us to take inventory of our lives; push through fear, realized the true priorities in our lives, and strengthened our connections with the ones we love. If you are having trouble with the roadblocks, failures, or disruption to your plan, this book is for you! We have two options, changing our reality or changing the way we see it.
“The problems we face to say eventually turn into blessings in the rearview mirror of life. In time, yesterday’s red light leads us to a greenlight. All destruction eventually leads to construction, all death leads to birth, all pain eventually leads to pleasure. In this life or the next, what goes down will come up. It’s a matter of how we see the challenge in front of us and how we engage in it. Persist, pivot, or concede. It’s up to us, our choice every time. ”