La Dolce Vita


I’m writing to you from Lake Como, Italy. My creative self found a deep calling to take a short sabbatical from the outside world to travel and designate my trip to jumpstarting my book. Last night I took an evening stroll on the walking path along the lake which was lined with the most vibrant hydrangea bushes that exuded a soft but pleasant floral sent. The crisp breeze grazed my bare shoulders ever so gently, and the town lights created a sparkling effect on the glassy body of water. Time does not exist. There are no restraints, schedule, or check-ins. I aimlessly walk and my soul takes me in the direction it wants/needs to go. I have stumbled upon the most breathtaking views, quaint restaurants, and invigorating conversations with both locals & travelers. Side note: after striking up a conversation with the European couple next to me and she asked what I write about, somehow women’s empowerment was misconstrued to “women in parliament”. I didn’t have the heart to correct her and therefore found myself in a 15-minute long conversation on a topic I quite frankly know nothing about.  

As I sit down at the local trattoria and pull out my journal to start writing, my senses are heightened. The vino rosso has a slight carbonated effect, the clinking dishes from the kitchen staff is amplified, and the paint chips on the wooden doors show a story of the many patrons that have come and gone to this establishment. Everything slows down and being alone on this journey allows my mind to ferociously wonder in thought. I start to think about the premise of my book and identify my audience. I guess, if I had to put it in a few short sentences it would be for the person who wants more out of life. The individual who is not content with just working to pay bills and knows they were destined for something more purposeful. In addition, open the reader up to my journey and how I chose to fuel my growth through my situations and experiences, instead of relish in the past and allow it to define me. Through an immense amount of self-love, gratitude, and a positive mindset I have made leaps and bounds towards living my best life. So, over the next few months I will be devoted to my writing. Just as some books have done for me, I hope the words from my soul provide solace, encouragement, and the urge to start controlling this one life you have to live.

I migliori augri (all the best),

Soulace Seeker