Powerful Woman- Genia Abreu

The opportunity to connect with someone who has made decisions that have led us both on similar journeys is quite a special moment because there is a bond over the understanding of the choices made along the way, the feats, and triumphs.

Genia reached out to me after reading my article written for InterNations, and I knew we had to connect because of our similar stories. She has followed her father's footsteps and started a career in Agricultural Engineering, followed by a master’s degree in Soil Physics (mind-blowing, right?). Due to the lack of passion, she knew she wanted something more out of life and decided to start traveling, not knowing that soon she would create a business by impacting others to find the courage to live an inspired life. I felt compelled to write an article on Genia because I know she will serve as an inspiration to so many that want to break free from the chains of their 9-5 job but are in need of inspiration and direction.

She set off with no clarity on what this journey would bring to her. However, she was determined to find purpose and alter her lifestyle to accommodate this dream. All along she trusted her process while keeping her mind focused on the WHY of her future goals instead of the present obstacles. Genia has lived in seven different countries and now resides in Cascais, Portugal. As a result of her self-discovery journey, she now inspires others and leads them to live an inspired life through her company, The ART of Travel.

Was there ever a point where you questioned your decision to leave your job & comfort zone for the unknown? 

Actually no. I kept my vision and reminded myself often what I wanted and why I wanted it. That became my point of reference when obstacles would appear on my way. Holding the vision and trusting the process kept me on track. Even when you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, knowing what you are doing has a meaning it helps you keep going.

What advice do you have for those that want to make a leap, but are afraid of the unknown, lack of support, or financial stability?

I think that people who don't make a leap don’t understand their power and how the Law of Attraction works. I would suggest gaining more knowledge and reading up on self-development. As that deepens, you will see things happen quicker and realize that you can create your life by design. 

Our beliefs and our thoughts are very significant, and should be considered seriously. They require constant work and dedication. Even small changes in our energy and attitude give huge results. Once you learn how to use these principles and practice them daily, you will experience how the Universe delivers.

I’ve noticed it takes someone who is grounded spiritually and does a lot of self-work to be able to succeed when pursuing an inspired life. Do you agree?

Absolutely. I work on myself daily because it is key to finding my center, and that becomes my anchor. Without spiritual practice, it is hard to keep the faith, remain strong and clear on our desires.

Tell us about your coaching programs…

I help passionate people through short programs to gain momentum and take action quickly, as well as through longer programs: Private Mentorship and Mastermind program, where I work with clients for 6-12 months.  

The Getaway Experience is an in-person retreat held in different locations, where coaching and traveling happen simultaneously in a high-vibe and selected environment. 

Feng Shui & Coaching On the Go is all about working on yourself together with your environment. Our outside world is a reflection of our inside world.  

Lastly, my Invisible Blueprint teaches my seven essentials to create our life by design. 

“To leave behind comfort and embark on a self-discovery journey takes courage, but the rewards are priceless. Once we make the jump, a magnificent new world reveals to us, one that we might not think was possible. We must trust ourselves, be willing to let every little detail enlighten us, and find a lesson in every person and event that crosses our path. And while facing the best and the worst features of ourselves, the brave ones will find our well-deserved peace.” – Genia Abreu

Learn more about Genia on her website, www.genia-abreu.com and follow her on Instagram @genia_abreu

Ashton Saldana