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The Toolbox

  Often, we can be bothered by the response, support, and actions of those around us, especially the ones we hold near & dear to our hearts. We put ourselves on this unnecessary hamster wheel of thoughts that stifles us from pursuing what we want or vocalizing how we feel. It finally dawned on me, “how can I expect others to do the work when they don’t have the tools necessary for the job?” In essence, we are expecting people to react in ways that they do not have the mental capacity to do so. I can relate because years ago, I wouldn’t be able to provide people with the words or actions that they may have needed. It has only been through the hundreds of books I’ve read and the dedication I have put towards my personal growth that I am now able to show up as that person.  Before we let anger, resentment, or dissatisfaction arise, truly think about whether or not this person has the tools in their toolbox to respond accordingly. It is also about acceptance. Some people are fine with just having a few nails and a hammer, even if you think they should have a wrench, drill, etcetera. Once we are able to comprehend not everyone is on a linear path, we will find comfort in how they show up for us.