Follow-up on Traveling the World in a Single Trip
In February 2019 I wrote an article on João and André who planned to embark on their round-the-world trip in September of 2019. I reached back out to them because since the pandemic hit a few months and wanted to see the impact the global had on their traveling schedule and what they expect travel to look like post- COVID.
Where were you both able to go on your RTW itinerary?
We started our RTW on October 1, 2019 and we were able to travel in South Africa, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Fiji, New Zealand, Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil.
What was the first implication that COVID was going to impact the rest of your schedule?
We were in New Zealand when we started hearing about COVID. At that time, it was a distant thing and it seemed that it would stay that way. When we were in Argentina the number of cases started increasing around the world, especially in Europe and borders started closing so we started to realize that probably we would have to return home earlier. If things got worst we could end up trapped somewhere, with no way to leave or we could be sources of transmission between countries. When we arrived in Brazil, South America countries started closing their borders so we decided it was time to end our journey and return home.
Your RTW trip was cut short, luckily only by three weeks- What have you both been up to since then?
We still want to finish our trip. We didn’t get to travel to Bolivia and Peru and we really want to go as soon as possible. Since we returned we have been at home and trying to make the best of it. After the first lockdown in Portugal, things got better and we were able to travel a bit in our country. Then, things got worst again and numbers increased (a lot – Portugal became one of the worst countries in the world in the number of cases) and now we are in lockdown again.
I read your post about “Travel Trends- Traveling After the Pandemic and have included a link for my readers. Can you expand on what you believe people should expect moving forward?
Things are always changing, sometimes from one day to the other, and it’s very difficult to predict how things will develop. But we still believe what we wrote in that post: that domestic, nature, and car tourism will increase; people will choose countries where things are stable; the price of air travel will increase.
*Read the full post here- Travel Trends- Traveling After the Pandemic
What is one piece of advice you have for people that want to get out but are wary of traveling once restrictions are lifted?
When restrictions are lifted it will be because it is safe to travel (if you follow the health rules at the time). However, if people are scared they should start traveling in their own countries, traveling by car instead of using planes, trains, and buses. Travel should be enjoyed and should be a freeing experience so don’t do something if you don’t feel safe in doing it.
Anything else you want to share or let your followers know?
Things will get better. It may not happen as soon as we would like to but the will get better. Be patient, stay safe and follow the rules. Try to do as much as you can to stay healthy (body and mind). And start planning: we are always free to dream and reading about traveling and planning trips is a great activity that gives us something to look for in the future.
It was great to re-connect with João and André and it left me with a promising and hopeful outlook for future travel. Be sure to follow them on Instagram @twobytheworld and check out their website for destination guides and travel tips! Like they said above, “We are always free to dream” so don’t let the pandemic hold you back from planning the trip you will take one day.